Thursday, April 23, 2009


We made it to Nashville...finally! I have decided that I hate car riding now or maybe just car riding through Western Kentucky! It has been a long week; I got home Tuesday from Jacksonville from a very successful work trip. I unpacked, washed clothes, cleaned house, washed bedding, packed and we headed back out this morning! Our friend Emily is keeping Nikki and Maddy (Beau went to my Mom's as he hates all people, except family) so this should be exciting. Our dogs are not aware that they are dogs...My cousin stayed with them last time we were gone and she found them pretty silly. We are gone so much I don't want to overwhelm one person, so I am trying to build up a little team of people we trust to keep our precious children. We may have to hire a live in Nanny if we keep overlapping travel. Jesse left this hilarious list for our doggie sitter for this weekend. The information sheet holds all important information regarding how to work our complicated remote, what not to be alarmed about (for instance if Nikki puts her head under the couch, butt in the air and makes a chu-baca type noise...this is normal, she is just trying to locate her red ball). If I get a chance, I'll post it because I was laughing so hard, I was crying! Our dogs are high maintence (which may not be surprising to some).

Jesse and I have wanted to see DAVE (yes I know it's in capital letters...he's that awesome!) in concert since we meet almost 8 years ago. Until now, we haven't really been able to afford tickets, hotel rooms, travel, food, etc. Luckily I got a free night stay on my points (one benefit to being on the road all the time) and Jesse has clients he needs to make visits to, so we came down early so he didn't have to come to Nashville twice in one week. This is totally cheesy but when Jesse and I met the "Everyday" CD had just come out and we would both chat on AIM and listen to the CD, making sure to start on the same song at the same time. DAVE was the first thing we had in commmon. If it hadn't been for my LIL Beth, then I probably would not have been a DAVE fan and then Jesse and I wouldn't have fallen in love. Thank you LIL for playing DAVE over and over and over and over =) I cannot wait to see DAVE saturday night. What does one where to see DAVE? Guess this means shopping! There are two great outlets here. I hope to snag up another Ralph Lauren Button down! I love the one I bought a month or so back. I can't believe how much cheaper the long sleeved button down is compared to the polo AND the polos fit horribly! Outlet shopping is always great and makes me smile, almost as much as the thought of finally seeing DMB in concert! XOXO

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